
An Update and a Promise

Hi everyone!

First of all, I hope all of you who celebrate Christmas are having a very nice Christmas Eve! :) 

Anyhow, as you may have noticed, I've seemed to have disappeared lately. I've been super busy with school and my part time job and a bunch of other real life stuff I won't get into to, but I have to say, I really miss blogging and all the fun I have with it! In all seriousness, I can't remember the last time I've read a book, and that makes me extremely sad. 

However, with the coming year, I promise I'm going to try to read and post more...at least once a week. It won't be like it was in the past with a bunch of posts each week...at least not at first...but I promise some new content! 

Therefore, I hope you'll all join me in 2013 for some reading and blogging fun! :) 

Until then, what have I missed? Any good books? Fun events? Let me know! 

Happy Holidays!



  1. I made a reappearance tonight as well, but have been gone from blogging for about a month now! You're not alone in feeling weighed down a bit lately. We're going to do a NYE readathon if you're interested! Happy Holidays. :)

  2. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a jolly Happy New Year. Your blog is one of my favorites to visit, even though I haven't commented as much as I should have this year. I'm making it my personal goal to comment more in the coming new year.

    I wish love, happiness, and togetherness for you and all of your loved ones and here's to more bloggy things and great books with great friends!!!

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung

  3. I've noticed a lot of bloggers taking breaks. I've been taking tiny little breaks around Thanksgiving and now Christmas/NYE. But I've also noticed a lack of comments too. I wonder if readers are taking breaks too, lol. I'm only doing about 3 reviews a week- the little breaks help me to get ahead in my reading.


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