I, Lauren at Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf, do not collect personal info. Though, I can't not reassure you other viewers of this blog will not take your email address if it is in the comments. So, if you are afraid of this in any way, I highly suggest you leave Anonymous comments or create a Blogger/Open ID because it will keep you safer in the long run. Also, please never leave private info in the comment section.
Further more, if you are under 13 and win a contest on my site, I'll have to first contact your parents to make sure it's okay that you are allowed to receive the prize and if okayed they will have to provide your physical mailing address.
Also, if you're a parent or guardian and have a question about anything about my site, please do not hesitate to contact me at Laurenscrammedbookshelf@gmail.com.
To make my site safer, I've begun to use Google Forms for almost all my contests with the slight exception of a few. So, that my readers will not have to leave their email addresses on my site. Also, all forms will be deleted as soon as the contest is over the and the prizes have been mailed out.
Lastly, cookies are not currently used on the site to track or store any information about site visitors.
Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf
In affect as of 12/18/09
Can't Wait Wednesday!
12 hours ago