
Gilded Wings Blog Tour: Read Along Excerpt and Guest Post

As part of the Gilden Wings blog tour, I have the exclusive next scene to the read along as well as a guest post from Amy. So without a further ado...

Book #2 in the Angel Chronicles-
Now out!
The Scene: 
Anya walked beside Drew in silence. She was as much in awe as Gregori was, with his wide-eyed gaze studying the large, ornate structures sitting on the fancy streets of their brand new home. Gasps of wonder came from his trembling lips. Anya was also amazed at the sheer size of the intricate stone houses, and intrigued by the beautiful white horses pulling elegant carriages down the road. The huddled masses were now a distant memory. The scent of soiled human flesh had been replaced with mouth-watering aromas that wafted through the slightly open windows of luxurious kitchens.

An older man with the straightest spine Anya had ever seen walked towards them. Attached to him was a pair of rather large dogs, and the canines stopped to sniff young Gregori, who laughed and patted their sleek fur. Their caretaker bowed gracefully to Anya and offered Drew a nod.

Gregori fell to his knees as the large hounds licked his small face, pushing each other aside for the attention they craved.

“Please, sir, what are their names?” Gregori asked.

The man placed his tall, black hat back on his head and commanded the dogs to sit. “These are my friends, Reuben and Bauer.”

Anya laughed at the eager eyes of the large beauties. Their tails wagged ferociously—barely able to contain their excitement.

“We’re on our way to Central Park,” he said. “I wish you all a very good evening.” Offering a final bow, the elegant man walked away with his happy animals.
The Guest Post:  

What Gives YOU Inspiration?
Book #1 in the Angel Chronicles-
Now out! 
Everyone who asked this question says something different - that’s what is so great about inspiration. When you speak about the other spectrum of emotions: hate, anger, fear, love - these usually come along with the same answer. We are all fearful of death or demons or horrific ‘bloodbath’ movies. We all, even though we don’t want to admit it, hate something. Whether it be taxes, the government, another person, jealousy, etc. - this is a sin we all have. Same goes with anger. Love is always something to do with the heart - whether it be loving a painting, a sunset, your soul mate, your dog (which is SO mine) - love exists. But when it comes to inspiration, people differ.

Eve though Emily and Matthew are an angel/warrior team, I’m not talking about religion. In fact, I try never to talk about this subject. Much like politics, the subject of religion can go from a wonderful debate or discussion of ideas straight into a screaming match if people aren’t careful. When I talk about inspiration, I talk about that one thing that when you see it, hear it, or think about it - your soul actually feels better.

And you know what I mean. Your soul is that certain something; it’s that inner person or spark - whatever word you choose to describe it. It is also something that needs help. In this day and age - with all the bad news that’s constantly steaming over the television sets and on the streets where we live, inspiration is a necessity. It’s what makes us feel good during the worst times of our lives. It is also something that teaches us to be stronger, fight harder, love more and believe in ourselves.

Matthew was the character for me. Out of all the millions floating around in my head (LOL), Matthew was the one that gave me inspiration. I was thirteen when I first dreamed of Matthew, going through a tough time after losing my best friend - my grandfather. I woke up in a library in my dream (not a big shocker, considering my Mom was a librarian and I was a book fanatic even at that age). Matthew was sitting with his feet up on a table and he was beyond excited. He wanted to talk all about life ‘down here.’ He’d never been, you see, and he wanted to know everything from how the food tasted to the history behind tourist attractions to high school life in the 1980’s. He wanted to be a part of everything we grump and groan about - work, school, etc. Matthew gave me the need and the desire to look at the world and see something more than the pain that was running through me at the time.

I started meeting new people, opening myself up to friendships in school, and trying harder to get better grades so that I could one day follow a dream. And that dream, was writing. So, Until Next Time, Gilded Wings and the finale that’s coming, were possible only because Matthew took me for journeys through a huge library that I will never forget.

All I can hope, is that when all is said and done, that library is up there just waiting for me to hang out in; and Emily and Matthew will be a part of my lives on a daily basis!

Whether it’s writing or painting or healing animals or fixing motorcycles or winning the Super Bowl - whatever that dream of yours is - just find the inspiration inside yourself and you CAN make that dream into a reality!

Until Next Time, Everybody,

Find out more about the author/book: Kindle/ Nook/ iBookstore/ Smashwords/ Goodreads/ Facebook Fan Page/ Amy's Twitter/ Amy's Website

To see past as well as future tour stops, click here

Tribute Books and Amy are also offering a special giveaway as part of the tour. Here's the form in case you haven't entered yet:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Lauren, thanks again for representing Northeast PA in the world of YA book blogging :)

    We appreciate your continued support of Amy's series. Thanks for helping us spread the word about the release of Book 2!


  2. What a great idea! I love it. Simple and lovely.


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