Top 10 of 2017 is hosted by Nancy & Christy from Tales of the Ravenous Reader, Rachel from Fiktshun, Bridget from Dark Faerie Tales, Jaime from Two Chicks On Books, Fallon from Seeing Double in Neverland, and Take Me Away To A Great Read!
From Monday until Friday I'll be sharing five top ten lists, ranging from best book covers of 2017 to books I'm looking forward to in 2018. To find out more about the event and see others posts, click here.
From Monday until Friday I'll be sharing five top ten lists, ranging from best book covers of 2017 to books I'm looking forward to in 2018. To find out more about the event and see others posts, click here.
Today's topic is...
Best Book Boyfriends of 2017
*MUST be from a book released in 2017 and from a book you’ve READ in 2017*
1) Oliver Dudley from Royal Attraction by Tiffany Truitt: Oliver Dudley is no dud (sorry, I couldn't resist haha). Anyhow, Oliver is royalty, sweet, charming, and downright hilarious. He pushes our heroine's Alexandra's buttons and makes her believe in a HEA again. *swoon*
2) Nate from One of Us Is Lying by Karen McManus: I just love a bad boy, and it didn't hurt that I kept picturing a young Heath Ledger (circa Ten Things I Hate About You) the whole time I was reading this. I could honestly read a WHOLE book just from Nate's perspective...that's how hard I was swooning.
3) Aaron Penn from Thigh Highs by Katia Rose: He's cocky, arrogant, and fully irresistible. He started off being this huge jerk; however, the more I got to know him, the more I began to love him. Plus I loved the way he treated Christina.
4) Will Connelly from The Billionaire's Forever Family by Cate Cameron: When Will is first introduced he goes by the typical billionaire mindset - money fixes everything. But over the course of the book, he starts to find that money can't fix everything, but a life with love and happiness may do the trick. He was sweet and charming, and I LOVED his grand romantic gesture at the end.
5) Xander from The Chaos of Standing Still by Jessica Brody: When I think about Xander I turn into the emjoi with the heart eyes. He's just that adorable! I loved how he helped Ryn overcome her loss and live a little in the process. He's the type of book boyfriend you'd want on a great adventure.
6) Spence from Chasing Christmas Eve by Jill Shalvis: Spence is wickedly smart, the charming kind of awkward, and 100% lovable. I loved how he treated the heroine and what I loved even more was how he always went the extra yard for his friends/family. Where's my Spence in real life?!
7) Porter from Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett: I know I had Alex, Approximately on my list yesterday, but I couldn't resist a reappearance because Porter is worth it. Legit I can't even describe how awesome and book boyfriend worthy he is. You just NEED to read the book to find out!
8) Marshall from All Things New by Lauren Oliver: Marshall is another one like just need to experience all the goodness for yourself! But I will say Marshall is one of a kind. He's wise, strong, and a kick-a$$ friend. He has his setbacks, but he doesn't let them get him down.
9) Ambrose from Once and for All by Sarah Dessen: Is one of these list really complete without a boy from a Sarah Dessen book? I think not! Ambrose is the real life example of an elephant in a china shop. He's messy, clumsy, does and says the wrong thing, but there's something about him that makes him so darn irresistible. His antics kept me laughing the whole way thorough, especially when they involved pushing the buttons of the main character.
10) Sebastian Hart from The Irredeemable Billionaire by Lexxie Couper: At first I thought, Seb was going to be a huge jerk. I mean, the reason he had to do community service was kind of ridiculous. But as the pages kept turning, the more and more Seb won my heart over. He's sexy, determined, and fearless. I loved how he treated the heroine's kid as one of his own. Plus the sexy banter that came out of this guy's mouth?! I was DEAD.
That's it! Who are some of your favorite book boyfriends?! Any of the ones I listed above? Let me know in the comments!
I love Porter and there is so many books I want to read on your list, including chaos of standing still.
ReplyDeleteI was so frustrated when people was saying they couldn't connect with Xander, because I loved him. Porter, Spence, Nate, and Marshall were fantastic too, but Ambrose, I just adored him. He totally cracked me up.
ReplyDeleteI have only read two on your list. Spence was a great character and I have really like him since the start of the series. I liked Nate but maybe not quite as much as you did.
ReplyDeleteNate's the only one here I know but I liked his character too. That was a fun book!
ReplyDeleteNate from One of Us is Lying is the only book boyfriend from your list that I'm familiar with, but he definitely would have made my list too. I really liked him.
ReplyDeleteI LOOOOOOOOOOVE the name Sebastian! I swear, every Sebastian I've ever met (whether IRL or fictionally), I've found to be super hot. Same with every Cole I've ever met. Gah! Wonderful list, Lauren!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year. =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!