
Top 10 of 2017: Best Book Covers of 2017

Top of 10 of 2017 is hosted by Nancy & Christy from Tales of the Ravenous ReaderRachel from Fiktshun, Bridget from Dark Faerie Tales, Jaime from Two Chicks On Books, Fallon from Seeing Double in Neverland, and Take Me Away To A Great Read

From Monday until Friday I'll be sharing five top ten lists, ranging from best book covers of 2017 to books I'm looking forward to in 2018. To find out more about the event and see others posts, click here

Today's topic is...

Best Book Covers of 2017 

This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada: I thought this cover was gorgeous when I saw it online, but it reached a whole new level of GORGEOUS when I saw it in person. The red burst goes along with the book so perfectly, and I love the little strand of DNA for the i in Coil. I was thinking the other day about the cover for book 2, and how they can't possible top it...can they? I guess we'll have to wait and find out! 

Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills: 50% of me read this book because of all the amazing reviews and 50% of me read this book because of the stunning cover! I love covers like this - ones that combine patterns and bursts of colors. And I love the textured look. 

Spindle Fire by Lexa Hilyer: This cover is stunning! It gives all the fairy tale feels. And now that I've read the book I think it fits the story perfectly. 

They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera: Another cover that fits the story completely! Plus, I love the detail in it - the skyline, the two boys walking, and the grim reaper arising form their shadows.

Even the Darkest Stars by Heather Fawcett: Not only is Even the Darkest Stars one of my favorite debuts of the ear, but it also has one of my favorite covers. I love the mountain backdrop, and I especially love that it contains Kamzin's familiar ragtooth. 

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao: I haven't had the chance to read this one yet (I currently have it on loan though so hopefully soon!), but I just love the cover...I love the contrast between the beautiful flower and the evil looking snake and I like the simplicity of the green backdrop. 

Speak Easy, Speak Love by McKelle George: Gorgeous writing, gorgeous world building, gorgeous characters, and  GORGEOUS cover! 

The Wood by Chelsea Bobulski: This cover is so delightfully creepy and eye-catching. And it yet again proves that simplicity works!

Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore: Another one that is even prettier in person! I'm a sucker for pretty flowers, and I especially love the look given here - they really mange to accentuate the title. 

The Gallery of Unfinished Girls by Lauren Karcz: Fun fact - I LOVE flamingos! I think it's mostly because I love the color pink and flamingo is just a fun word to say. Anyhow, as soon as I saw this cover included flamingos it was a huge win! Plus I just love the mix of the flamingos and the green leaves - so pretty and eye-catching! I'm in the middle of reading a library copy of this, but I'm debating buying a personal copy as well - for the GORGEOUS cover and the GORGEOUS story! 


And that's it! It was hard to narrow it done to just ten because I feel like almost every cover this year has been stunning/captivating/gorgeous/all-the-feels-encompassing. I did notice an interesting trend appear here, though: almost all the covers I liked the best are illustrated, focusing more on drawings and colors rather than actual images. I also especially liked covers that had something to do with the book. I think it makes a cover more special when it does relate to the book. 

Do you like any of these covers? What are some of your favorite ones of 2017? Let me know in the comments! :) 


  1. Emma Mills has the best covers! And The Wood cover is pretty creepy, but eye-catching!

    1. She really does! And I got to see the actual book, and the inside covers are stunning too.

  2. The Wood is an awesome cover. So is Forest of a Thousand Lanterns. And I agree, I love it when a cover reflects something happening inside the book.

    Even the Darkest Stars is an amazing cover too.

  3. Speak Easy, Speak Love was on my list, too! Probably one of my all time favorite covers <3

    1. Wooo glad you agree :) I want to buy a copy of it eventually when I have the money. It deserves a permanent spot on my shelf!

  4. Wild Beauty is just a stunning cover. I also like They both die at the ends cover.

  5. Although I'm scared of snakes, the cover of Forest of a Thousand Lanterns is gorgeous. *.*

    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. I'm scared of snakes too but this is the one time it doesn't bother me haha

  6. I love the covers for Speak Easy and Foolish Hearts too, but I featured them on other lists. I am trying not to overlap (though I am worried about the boy boyfriend list). I found the cover of This Mortal Cover to be really eye catching. I didn't read the book, but it's about a virus, right? Kinda cool way to illustrate that.

    1. Yup, it's about a virus, and basically when the affected are about to die they become this huge burst of red like depicted on the cover.

  7. Ohhh, the cover of Wild Beauty is lovely! I want to read that one but have not yet. Great choices!

    Happy holidays, Lauren. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I have in my TBR pile so *hopefully* I'll get to it soon! :)

  8. I hate snakes and just seeing one freaks me out so I wouldn't pick up Forest of a Thousand Lanterns. I know I am weird. I do really like the cover for The Wood.

    1. No, no I can totally understand being that way! Snakes freak me out too, but as long as it's an image and not near me I can deal

  9. I really like the cover of Wild Beauty too and quite like the colors of Forest even if I haven't noticed before it was a snake with the flower.

    1. Glad to hear you like Wild Beauty's too! And yeah, I didn't realize it was a snake until a few months ago. It blends in a bit.


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