
Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

Top Ten Books I Hope Santa Brings

Confession time: I almost never receive books for Christmas presents unless I really, really beg, and even then it doesn't work that often. My family thinks I already own enough books. Here's my reaction to that: 


Anyhow, maybe Santa will finally cave this year and bring me at least one of the following...

1) My New Crush Gave to Me by Shani Petroff: My holiday romance loving heart NEEDS this book! Seriously, look at the cover. If this isn't the perfect book pair with a piping hot cup of hot coco, I don't know what is. 
2) Among the Red Stars by Gwen C. Katz: Russia, World War II, a girls only pilot unit...it all sounds amazing! I don't think I've heard one bad thing about this to tell the truth. 
3) The Art of Feeling by Laura Times: A YA contemporary about a girl who feels constant pain and a boy who feels none? SIGN ME UP FOR SURE! 
4) An Ex for Christmas by Lauren Layne: Will I ever tire of holiday romances? haha funny - no, not ever! Seriously, though, everyone seems to love this book so why I don't have a copy of it in my hands remains a mystery. 
5) Bad Princess by Julianna Keyes"Notorious for leaping off roofs, maiming foreign royals, and that twerking incident, Brinley Cantrella of Estau is nobody’s definition of a good princess." I don't even need to read past the first line of the synopsis to know I need this book! 

6) Kissing Max Holden by Katy Upperman: Confession time: I check every week to see if my library's gotten this one in. Alas, they haven't :( 
7) Cravings: Recipes for All the Food You Want to Eat by Chrissy Teigen: I love everything Chrissy Teigen related, and I'll even admit that I follow her on all social media. Mostly because (1) I love John Legand (2) her daughter is adorable (3) she's hilarious  and - most importantly in regards to this!- (4) she makes the yummiest looking food. 
8) We Own Tonight by Corinne Michaels: A women has a one night stand with her teen idol and then falls in love? Want, want, want!
9) Devils and Thieves by Jennifer Rush: Magic, small towns, motorcycle gangs - nothing about that doesn't sound wonderful. 
10) Emma in the Night by Wendy Walker: As a lover of thrillers, I can't believe I haven't read this one yet! 


That's it for me! Do you ever receive books as gifts? What are some you hope to receive this holiday season? Any on my list? Let me know in the comments! :) 


  1. I relate: I literally never get books for presents, for the same reasons you mention. Sigh. But at least I sometimes get money so I can buy the books myself ;)

    I'm also dying to read Emma in the Night!! It looks so amazing.

    Hope you get at least one book for Christmas :)

  2. I'm getting some books for Christmas this year, but I only had a couple on my wishlist. I can't believe I haven't read Emma in the Night yet, either!

  3. I hope santa brings you that lauren layne book because it was so good!

  4. I see some that I want from your list too! Mostly, My New Crush and Kissing Max Holden! And eep so glad you got An Ex For Christmas! :)

  5. I don't love the cover for My New Crush Gave to Me, but it would go SO WELL with a typical ugly christmas sweater!! I'm intrigued! Also, Kissing Max Holden is one I'm highly anticipating too!!
    I see SO MANY beautiful things on this list! I would honestly die to get any of these for Christmas!

    My TTT: https://bookslikewolves.wixsite.com/blog/single-post/2017/12/19/Blogmas-19-Books-I-Want-My-Future-Children-To-Read

  6. Among the Red stars looks fun, and I liked Emma in the Night a lot! Good thriller. Hope you have a bookish Christmas!!

  7. I love buying and giving books as gifts so I hope you get something from your list!

  8. Good list!! I hope you receive all the books you want this year. Happy holidays!!

    Here's my TTT post for the week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2017/12/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-books-i-hope.html

  9. Emma in the Night has been on my list for too long as well. Hopefully you get at least get Cravings for Christmas since you can never have too many cookbooks. Happy Holidays!

  10. Well, I must say this is a stupendous list, as it has several of my favorites on it. New Crush and The Art of Feeling were so wonderful. I also though Max Holden was great. I one-clicked An Ex for Christmas today. I couldn't resist. The great price plus all the raves made me do it!


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