I had a pretty decent week book wise with a couple of surprises and a book for a blog tour I'm going to be part of in November!
For Review:

In the grimy London of 1935, eleven-year-old Dominic Walker has lost his voice. His mother is sick and his father’s unemployed. Rescue comes in the form of his Uncle Roo, who arrives to take him and his young sister, Marlo, to Cornwall. There, in a boarding house populated by eccentric residents, Marlo, who keeps a death grip on her copy of The New Art of Cooking, and Dominic, armed with Incredible Adventures for Boys: Colonel Lawrence and the Revolt in the Desert, find a way of life unlike any they have known. Dominic’s passion for Lawrence of Arabia is tested when he finds himself embroiled in a village uprising against a band of travelers who face expulsion. In defending the vulnerable, Dominic learns what it truly means to have a voice.
Trilby Kent brilliantly handles a far-off time and place to present a story of up-to-the-minute relevance.
I think this is actually categorized as a "Middle Grade" novel, but it still sounds great! Oh, and I think it's totally cool that Trilby Kent has the same first name as one of my best friends, because seriously not too many people have that name. =)

Kendall and her ghost hunting team is the talk of Radisson, Georgia, but one person isn’t so pleased. Courtney Langdon doesn’t appreciate Kendall’s new popularity or her relationship with Jason, Courtney’s ex.
So Courtney begins dabbling in the paranormal world. At first it’s all a game to draw attention away from Kendall. But Courtney doesn’t know what she’s getting into—or what wants in her. This is one game that’s about to turn deadly serious.
And for more about Kendall and the ghost huntresses, check out www.ghosthuntress.com!
This was one of my surprises of the week and I can't wait to read it, even though I haven't read the first book yet. So, I guess I'll have to go to Barnes and Noble sometime soon which makes me even more excited!

It used to be you needed a crystal, a psychic, or a Oijia board to make contact with the spirit world. So who would think science would make it possible for just about anyone to experience a ghostly connection? Cameras, recorders, computers, magnetic field readers and other scientific means are now the tools of the trade. But there’s so much available, how does the average teen weed through it all to create the best possible ghost hunting team? Here to help sort it all out are three of today’s leading investigators of the field.
Together, Patrick Burns, Dave Schrader, and Marley Gibson have more than fifty years of experience. They’ve put together this guide to impart their knowledge and wisdom on to the next generation of ghost hunters.
What’s included:
How to set up a ghost hunting team The equipment needed and how to use it Where to look for spirits Safety, safety, and more safety
Ghost hunting is equal parts science and belief. Patrick, Dave, and Marley are here to help with science part.
My second surprise of the week! Anyway, this looks really interesting and I can't wait to read it.
And that concludes this week's ' In My Mailbox.' Also, I'm not really sure how I'm going to work IMM next week, because I'm going to be away from Friday to Monday. So, I'll either make a scheduled post with the books I get Monday-Thursday of this upcoming week or wait till the next Sunday.
You got great books! Ghost Huntress looks awesome! Happy Reading :)
ReplyDelete-The Bookologist
A great mix this week. I'm intrigued and slightly scared by the Ghost Hunter handbook thingy. It gives me the creeps just thinking about it. I'm interested to hear your verdict.
ReplyDeleteYou got great books to read! Have fun reading them and I'm looking forward to your reviews.
ReplyDeleteMedina Hill looks really interesting. Hadn't heard of that one yet!
ReplyDeleteGreat books! I really wanna read Ghost Huntress.
The last book looks very interesting. Happy reading~! : )
ReplyDeletegreat set of books! can't wait to see you thoughts on them. enjoy and happy reading!
ReplyDeleteGhost Huntress looks really good! Happy Reading :)
ReplyDeleteInteresting books. Happy reading. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm really jealous of The Guidance. Enjoy!!
ReplyDeleteMedina Hill looks cool, eh? I'm really looking forward to the blog tour.. should be fun!
ReplyDeleteGreat books you got this week. They all look really good. I hope you enjoy reading all your books.