Judith Graves is the debut author of a book titled Under My Skin, which is now out! Today, she's here to answer a few of my questions. So, without a further ado, here it is.
What are three words that would best describe Under My Skin, your debut novel?
Power. Temptation. Choices.
Are you similar to Eryn, the main character in Under My Skin, in any ways?
All of the characters I write – even the nasty, rotten villains are like me in some microscopic way. I think this is always the case with authors (whether they admit it or not). For a character to ring true, we have to tap into the best, and worst, parts of ourselves. Now, Eryn and I – we’re very alike. We’d probably hate each other if we ever met. We both like to be the boss. It’s made Under My Skin (UMS) an interesting tale to battle out, believe me. However, our mutual hatred of country music, and love of Chai lattés, might be enough to forge a shaky friendship.
What made you choose to have supernatural elements in Under My Skin?
From the initial plot-on-a-sticky-note sessions with UMS, the story has been about the paranormal, the mythologies of different regions coming together to do battle. To wage war. I had no say in the matter.
What was your favorite aspect of writing Under My Skin?
The first draft. Ah….the scenes of heavy dialogue and quickly fought foes. The flitting from scene to scene without a care in the world. Then came the revisions and edits…lol. Besides writing the first draft of UMS, the best part of my road to publication has been working with illustrator Val Cox (www.valcox.ca), to bring the cast of UMS to life. Val’s style is gothic and cool. We had a blast exchanging ideas, dreaming up appropriate wardrobes, physical features, etc. I’m so crazy about the final images. Here’s one Val calls, The Three. It’s the main trio, Eryn and her two love interests, Wade (left) and Alec (right).
How did the title Under My Skin come to be?
It’s a line from the book and hints at Eryn’s struggle to control her beast.
How does it feel to know your book is going to be in stores soon?
Part nightmare – part reality show where some guy shows up at the end and throws a pie in my face.
What’s you favorite part of being an author so far? Lest?
Fav? The writing. Least? The writing.
You’re part of Class of 2k10 which leaves me to wonder what your experience has been like working with all those talented authors so far.
The Class program (originally founded in 2007 by author Greg Fishbone), has been such a blessing. Who better to share this rollercoaster ride with than other newbie authors? We’re a team. I’ll be attending several events in NYC with fellow Class members in May during Book Expo America. Whoot! Finally we’ll hang out in person.
What’s you typical day like?
Wake. Write. Work. Burn dinner. Write. Go to bed at precisely 9:07 p.m. (Seriously). Now doesn’t that make you want to take up the pen? ;)
What’s a really great book you’ve read recently?
If you’re looking for a fun werewolf tale, you won’t get more of a laugh/thrill than from Kitty Keswick’s Freaksville. Werewolves, drama (like as in theatre – but there’s plenty of other drama too!), the full moon, and a hot guy. Can’t go wrong with that. ;)
What’s up next for you book-wise?
I’m working on the next book in the Skinned series, Second Skin. Then it’s on to the third, Skin of My Teeth. I have a few other projects I’m picking away at, but Skinned has most of my attention.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Just that I enjoyed your questions. Thanks for having me!
Thanks Juidith! It was awesome to have you as a guest on my blog, and I wish you the best of luck with Under My Skin.
Moving on, I know for a certian I'll be picking up a copy, will you? :)
Find Out More About Judith Graves and Under My Skin at:
Website http://www.judithgraves.com/
Wolfy Chicks Blog http://wolfychicks.blogspot.com/
Book Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s3kQ4nnSEk
Publisher’s Website http://www.leapbks.com/
Class of 2k10 website http://www.class2k10.com/
Class of 2k10 trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0H79WFPYpc&feature
Month in Review: February 2025
16 hours ago
After this, I will for sure be reading Under My Skin. Great interview!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview...I like the cover!
ReplyDeleteI gave you an award! Check it out here. :)
Hey Lauren - thanks for participating in the tour. Was beaucoup des fun. ;)