
Interview & Giveaway with Erin McDermott, author of Captive Rebel

Today, I'm excited to have Erin McDermott, author of Captive Rebel, answer a few question. Be sure to stay until the end of this post....there's a giveaway for a paperback copy of Captive Rebel! If you LOVE YA fantasy, this is a must-read!


What are the top three reasons readers should consider reading Captive Rebel this summer?
For starters, it's a tale with an abundance of great and likable characters! The characters will really pull you in and have someone for you to relate to or root for. It tells the story of a strong girl, and who doesn't love strong minded heroines?

She travels to many places and overtime really shows how strong minded she truly can be. And of course, it's a romance. I loved writing the scenes with Marylyn O'Conner and Prince Ariston. I believe you'll love reading them!

Captive Rebel tells the story Marylyn O’Conner. Would you mind sharing a little about her? Also, if you could offer her any advice what would you say? 

Marylyn O'Conner, in my opinion, is hardened by her past. While her exterior is that of a strong and capable girl, her interior craves something more. All she ever knew was working alone to help her parents. She truly is lonely and craves a friend. If I could offer her any advice it would be to listen to her heart more often. Do what her heart tells her is right, not what her mind tells her. Be selfish for once. 

Captive Rebel takes place in Allegiant, which is describe in the summary as “an elite faction favored by the Greek Gods.” What inspired this setting? Have you always been interested in Greek mythology? 

I graduated college with a BA in history. My two favorite subjects were Medieval History and, you guess it, Ancient Greek History. I've always been intrigued by the stories the Ancient Greeks wove about their gods. I hope to bring some of those mythological gods and characters to greater life in later books.

What was the hardest part of writing Captive Rebel? The easiest? 
The hardest part was understanding Marylyn's emotions. She basically blocked out her emotions from herself. It was difficult for me to break through the block she created and understand how she really was feeling throughout it all. Prince Ariston and Marylyn's relationship was definitely the easiest part to write about. They're dialogue flowed so easily, they basically spoke for themselves!

How did the title Captive Rebel come to be? 
I know this probably sounds cliche, but it came from a dream. I have extremely vivid dreams. One day, I woke up after dreaming of Marylyn O'Conner and Prince Ariston, and quickly started typing. I typed 10,000 words the following day. I was busy in college at the time, so after that day I didn't look back at the story until about a year later. After rereading what I wrote I decided I wanted to finish their tale, so here I am now!

Captive Rebel has an assortment of characters. One of my favorites was Prince Ariston. Besides Marylyn, who was your favorite to write about? 

It's a toss up between Charles and Orion. Charles had such a personable personality I couldn't help but smile every time he spoke. On the other hand, Orion was the easiest character to write about. His words flowed from my finger tips and onto the computer screen as if he was speaking for himself. I couldn't help but laugh out loud as I wrote several scenes that included Orion.

For those of us who have read book 1, can you give us a hint as to what’s to come in book 2? 
A man from Marylyn's past, mentioned frequently in Captive Rebel, will play a LARGE roll in book 2!

What are three fun facts about you? 
For starters, I'm always reading and writing. I love hearing about a new good read. I probably spend way too much money buying books.

I live across the water from good old New York City, but I absolutely hate it there! I worked in that city for a time and it was dreadful.

I'm horrible with math and numbers. Which is pretty ironic because I was an accountant for my first job after college!

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I really hope everyone loves Marylyn O'Conner's tale. Book two is already in the works! I might as well just announce the title! Book 2 is titled Immortal Rebel.

About Captive Rebel
Destined to be enemies, bound by fate...

Prince Ariston rules over the Allegiant - an elite faction favored by the Greek Gods. Separated from his family at a young age, he became a prisoner to the rebellion.

Marylyn O'Conner is a rebel, forced to do the rebellion's bidding until an unforgiving family debt is paid. A pawn in the war for rebels to gain their freedom, she is obligated to become a spy, or her family will suffer.

Driven by revenge after returning from captivity, Prince Ariston makes it his mission to hunt down rebel spies, capturing Marylyn O'Conner in the process.

Desperate, Marylyn knows she needs to escape her alluring captor, or risk the safety of her family.

A fast-paced romance that will have you fall in love with each character and keep you turning the pages for more!

About the Author: 
Erin McDermott was born and raised in New Jersey. She graduated college with a bachelors degree in History. If she's not in her room writing, you may find her cruising around the Caribbean with her family. She has been writing stories since 3rd grade. It was not until after experiencing the fast-paced life New York City had to offer that she decided to finally take the plunge and finish her first book, CAPTIVE REBEL.

Author Links: 

Book Links: 


Thanks to Erin, I have one copy of Captive Rebel to giveaway! Fill out the Rafflecotper form below to enter! US Only!


  1. I love the sound of this one! I've been really into YA fantasy books this year. I always love interviews with authors. It's fun getting insight into the person behind the book. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I've been into YA Fantasy books a lot this year too, which is surprising because I've always been more of contemporary girl.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview!

  3. instilling a love of reading into my homeschooled granddaughter is so important and i think she will really enjoy this tale.


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