Getting into Yale has been Kate Larson’s dream for years—and being overworked and under-rested is the price of admission. But when she opens her eyes after falling asleep on her keyboard one night, she comes face-to-face with, well, herself
Meet Kate’s computer-generated twin. Kate doesn’t know why she’s here or how to put her back where she belongs, but she’s real. And she’s the last thing Kate has time to deal with right now. Unless. . .could having a double be the answer to Kate’s prayers?
In this hilarious second novel, Cherry Cheva introduces a character who has been granted the wish of every overscheduled teen everywhere—for there to be two of her. But as everyone knows, you should be careful what you wish for...it just might come true and wear all your clothes and steal your boyfriend.
Duplikate was a funny and cute book that I adored!
The concept of having computer-generated twin was an interesting topic that I don't think I've seen before in a book. Even though it was unique, it still kind of scared me. Since, I kept thinking about the possibility of this occurring in real life. I mean with technology getting more advanced every day, this could possibly occur in the future. But even with saying that I still loved how Rina and Kate kind of became "sisters" from this ordeal because their constant bickering proved several laugh out loud moments and I adored how close they became because of this.
Kate was a character that I could relate to on many levels. One being the all the stress she had from school and her trying to achieve the goal of her live: getting into an Ivy League school. Seriously, you should see me during the school year, I get so worked up/ stressed over tests, quizzes, and extracurriculars just like Kate. Overall, I think having Kate being a character that girls can relate to will earn many brownie points in readers' eyes all around. Also, I really enjoyed reading about Rina and Jake.
Cherry Cheava's writing also was a high point. Since, it flowed extremely well which lead to the story going by in an extremely fast pace, allowing me to finish Duplikate in one semi-long sitting.
In all, Duplikate was a great story that had a fantastic message of "Don't overwork yourself, since you only have one life to live" to go along with it. I highly suggest you all pick this up when it comes out!
Grade: B+
Duplikate will be released September 29, 2009.
* Much thanks to MB at Harper Collins for sending this too me. =)

This book is so cute. Every book by Cherry Cheva always sound uplifting and fun. Thanks for the review, Lauren ^^
ReplyDeleteNever read a book by this author, but this one really sounds fun to read. :) Thank u for the review.
ReplyDeleteHi Lauren :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the great review.
I definitely want to read DUPLIKATE.
All the best,