
Contest for THREE copies of The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg!!!

Looking for a great new read? Well look no further because I have three brand new copies of The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg to giveaway thanks to Chelsy!

Here's the summary:

I, Penny Lane Bloom, do solemnly swear to never date another boy for as long as I shall live. All right, maybe I’ll reconsider it in ten years or so when I’m no longer living in Parkview, Illinois, or attending McKinley High School, but for now I’m done with guys.

They’re all lying, cheating scum of the earth.Yes, every last one of them. Pure evil.

Sure, there are some that seem nice, but the second they get what they want, they’ll dump you and move onto their next target.

So I’m done.

No more dating.

The end.

Love is all you need…or is it?

Penny is sick of boys and sick of dating, so she vows: No more. She’s had one too many bad dates, and has been hurt by one too many bad boys. It’s a personal choice…and soon everybody wants to know about it. It seems that Penny’s not the only girl who’s tired of the way girls change themselves (most of the time for the worse) in order to get their guys…or the way their guys don’t really care about them.

Girls are soon thronging to The Lonely Hearts Club (named after Sgt. Pepper’s band), and Penny finds herself near legendary for her non-dating ways – which is too bad, since the leader of The Lonely Hearts Club has found a certain boy she can’t help but like…

The form is self explanatory. Though, this contest is open to US ONLY  and will close on January 26th!


  1. I am dying to read this book. I keep hearing great things about it!

  2. I've seen this book all over the blogosphere. It looks great!

  3. Is this open to US only? or international? Thanks!

  4. Open to...? Guess you missed the important piece there, haha. But is it US Only?

  5. Thanks for the great contest! This book looks amazing!

  6. What girl doesn't get sick of boys and dating? Can't wait to read this. I love the cover too!

  7. Great contest. Like the others the same question here, international? But no worries :)

  8. I keep seeing this book everywhere. It looks great.

  9. Absolutely thrilled - can't wait to read this one, and so excited you're give away THREE?!

  10. Read fab reviews about this book. Many thanks for hosting this giveaway -- have just entered! :)

  11. I've heard some good things about this book! So glad to have found another contest for it. It sounds good and that cover is just awesome. Well except for the Stephenie Meyer part. :P


  12. Awesome contest. I love the cover, reminds me of that album cover... :)

  13. I want to read this! Hope I win :)

  14. I've read great things about this book! Sounds cute.

  15. Hi :)
    Thank you very much for the opportunity to win!

  16. Awesome! I've been hearing lots of great things about this one.

  17. Elizabeth Eulberg is an awsome writer. You did a great Interview. Would love to win this book and after reading pass on to my grandaughters.
    Thanks for great giveaway.

  18. Great contest- loved the form and how you had us visit the author site!

  19. Thanx for the giveaway. This book looks great.

  20. way cool contest! I really want to read this book.

  21. Awesome contest, great blog! Thanks so much!!!

  22. I think this sounds like a lot of fun - maybe not the swearing off boys, but reading about it! Love the Beatles connection, too. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  23. Fingers cross for this one :) Thanks for the contest.

  24. your contest form will not let me move it down to click ok to enter

    Julie S

  25. Seriously this book looks blow your mind awesome! And this cover is seriously my favorite of '10 (even though it technically came out 2009) hahaha. :]

  26. The lonely hearts club looks so good!

  27. I would love to read this book! It sounds like a cute fun read. Thank you!

  28. This must be one of the cutest books I've seen in a while. I have to have it ^^

  29. Sounds like a great book! Pick me :)

  30. I have heard that this is a really good book. Thank you for having this giveaway!



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